ADAMoracle Brand Upgrade , Combine Vision and Value.


5 min readJul 26, 2021

The concept of Oracle comes from ancient Greek mythology, Which says Oracle is a bridge that helps people communicate with gods, and where they obtain the will of the gods and inform the people on the earth. Gradually, Oracles have evolved into people who can provide guidance or Things.

Oracle’s initial Internet application was only as a relational database management system. In the world of blockchain, Oracle has become an indispensable tool, promoting the interaction of smart contracts with the external world, and being the carrier of data flow.

Brand Story

The name ADAMoracle is a combination of “Adam” and “Oracle (oracles)”. Adam, as the first human being, opens the history of human civilization, Which means oracle emerges from mythology then to the reality . The concept fully demonstrates This concept fully demonstrates the groundbreaking and guiding nature of ADAMoracle, We are committed to achieve as the most representative Oracle.

When centralized oracles were gradually eliminated by the times, and current decentralized oracles had many security problems, ADAMoracle was born! What we have created is a truly distributed oracle that is safer and more efficient, and becoming the first multi-chain decentralized oracle that supports wide-area node quotation, realizing the oracle 3.0 that everyone can participate in the quotation process.

As the inner spirit of the brand, has an invisible and intangible magic, but it guides the brand and gives users the most intuitive feeling. When we are thinking brand positioning and product combing, three keywords were selected to let everyone better understand our advantages.


ADAMoracle has established a wide-area node network around the world and distributed data sources to achieve true unbounded decentralization, so that everyone can participate in the quotation process.


ADAMoracle has higher scalability, is compatible with many technical development frameworks, and supports the deployment of ETH, BSC, Heco, Polkadot, Polygon and Solana.


ADAMoracle connects the data between on and off the chain, aggregates the prices on the chain and transfer it to the off chain, realizing real-time price and accurate pricing.

Brand Color

Based on the rational element of the tools of the oracle, we put very perceptual color. With the liveliness and openness of orange, the passion of red, the calmness and reliability of black as the brand color of ADAMoracle, it has established that ADAMoracle will face users with a safe, efficient, open and innovative image and bring more surprises to both the industry and users. Our brand will be extended and expanded around the brand main color, retractable and eye-catching.

Brand upgrade

The New Official Website Creates a Visual Feast

ADAMoracle has entered a new stage of development, focusing on the cultivation of ecology. We put the goal of establishing an abundant ecological into our products, emphasizing the concept of openness, broadness, tolerance and integration.

The newly official website uses brand colors as the keynote to showcase the image of ADAMoracle as a “tool”, integrates ADAMoracle’s ecological partners, and embodies the concept of close cooperation and aggregation of strength.

We have created a series of “Oracle 3.0” theme promotional videos, combined with the graphic display of data transmission, allowing users to understand the characteristics of ADAMoracle more clearly and intuitively.

We open the ecosystem and welcome more users to join and become ADAMoracle data providers or computing nodes, and share the dividends of data transmission.

Uncover the mystery of node mining DAPP

We are developing the ADAMoracle node mining DAPP, which reflects our characteristics in terms of color usage, page coordination, and functions, allowing users to truly feel a comfortable visual and smooth operating experience.

Planets are selected to be an elements of the DAPP , and the collision with geometric elements is endless innovation and Infinity . The planet represents a vast expanse that can encompass everything, and it is highly compatible with the planning aspirations of ADAMoracle’s unbounded interstellar network computing nodes; angular geometric elements are represent precise and rigorous endorsements, and ADAMoracle serves as a data bridge. What is supported is our high-safety, high-precision oracle technology.

User server & server details--allows users to quickly understand the revenue details of different servers.

Current Pledge & Current Earnings--Let users know the pledge data and income growth in real time.


After continuous update and iteration, ADAMoracle has moved towards the integration of brand and product. The intangible and tangible weaving better convey the core value of ADAMoracle, which is the basis for users to establish ADAM consensus. Fortunately, we have been exploring and will not stop in the future. We firmly believe that we will provide users with the best experience.




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